Thursday 31 January 2008

These two photographs were taken by Timothy Allen, a former student of Leeds University. Allen currently tours the world photographing different cultures and has won several awards for
his work. His work is very varied and consists of lots of images that i like aside from just this style.

These two images are of Buddhists chanting in Bhutan. The first one uses low key lighting to create a very atmospheric feel to the image and whilst including other out of focus subjects it gives the photograph an honest feel, leading the viewer to believe that Allen has depicted an event as it really happened. Looking at the following image, however, with out the additional context that is in the first image, this one demonstrates the effectiveness of low key lighting and the feel it gives. This image feels very different to the first one, creating an almost spooky feel, thanks to the isolation of the woman. This is the sort of atmosphere which i hope to emulate in some of the pieces within this brief.

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